Monday, December 15, 2008
How not to break a pinata
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Oh the good ol' days!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Go Cougars...or Not.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I remember someone once talking about "Dueling Banjos" and how anytime they heard that song it reminded them of "Deliverance." Well, now I keep hearing that song in my head over and over and it's kinda creeping me out. Here's the scene from the movie with that song in it. It's kinda entertaining, but it will stick in your heard and you may have dreams of inbreds taking YOU hostage...consider yourself warned!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Pretty Cool
I saw this on Facebook, and it made me laugh. Reminded me of an Office episode--where Andy Bernard records himself doing 4-part know which one I'm talking about?
Sunday, November 2, 2008
What the....?!
I don't know why it shocked me so. It usually looks like this a couple of times a day. I think I was just taken aback by the colors--it's kinda pretty in a way--until I realized I'm gonna be the one cleaning up all that mess. This is usually the way the conversation goes:
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sombody's Got the Sickies :(
When I got to the doctor's office I was handed a mask. My fever was still high and they had no idea what kind of funky disease I might be carrying so they made me wear it. I am SUPER clausterphobic and started to panic within seconds of putting it on. Somehow I managed to sit there till my name was called. The doc did his doctor thing and when he asked if it hurt when I breathed or if I was short on breath I answered "no," well, I was, but I atributed it to my fatness, like it wasn't some new discovery or anything. He was about to tell me it might just be the flu when I mentioned we had gone to Mexico recently. He quickly changed his plan of attack and sent me to the E.R.--mostly cause I was severely dehydrated and cause my blood pressure was really low--but I think the whole Mexico thing tipped it over the edge.
So they ran labs at the hospital and gave me all sorts of good pain meds and hooked me up to an IV, and this is what they discovered shortly after taking some x-rays:
That's right, I have freakin' PNEUMONIA!! I only use such strong words cause I'm mad at it for making my lungs their home. Who does it think it is? I thought only old people got pneumonia. I bet you some crazy Mexican gave it to me. They're probably sitting under a palm tree drinking some fruity drink with an umbrella in it and laughing hysterically at my demise.
Monday, October 6, 2008
8 Things Tag
- My kids (could technically count as 2--3 if you count my husband)
- Reading
- My calling in Primary
- Family in general
- Learning
- Having Me Time
- Cougar Football
- Neil Diamond
- No (or any variation thereof)
- Sucka!
- Why!!??
- Lola! Leave Noah alone!
- Psych! ( I still think it's cool to say it)
- I'm hungry
- I'm freakin' tired
- Shut yo mouth!
- Learn to play DDR
- Dance at my Children's Weddings
- Learn to Quilt
- Ride in a big rig and blow the horn
- Learn all the words to "Rapper's Delight" (Way to go Smash!)
- Learn to iron--my husband must've married me for my looks
- Walk or cycle the trail to Santiago de Compostela
8 Things I Have Learned From My Past:
- The Lord knows best--don't agrue with Him
- Prayer works
- My family is always there for me
- Whatever doesn't kill me only makes me stronger
- Listen to the Spirit
- Repentance hurts--but it works!
- It's okay to ask for help
- I can enjoy the music so much better if I'm not standing in the mosh pit
8 Places I Would Love To See:
- Hawaii
- Spain
- Brazil
- Graceland (I've been obsessed with this since Jr High)
- Austria (Sound of Music tour)
- Prince Edward Island (I love Anne of Green Gables)
- Machu Picchu
- Disney World
- My own house
- To be skinny
- More sleep
- More patience
- Financial security
- A burger from In-n-Out--animal style, of course (kind of defeats #2)
- Courage
- A housekeeper/cook (sometimes)
- Heidi E.
- Tracie B.
- Smash
- Karyn T.
- Lauren H.
- Jessica G.
- The Mulcocks
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
On a happier note...Mexico is only 4 weeks away, and to celebrate Mexican Independence day Noah decided to get his first tooth!! He's been teething for months and it's nice to see all his hard work pay off. We're all very proud at this great achievement, and look forward to all the other teeth with much anticipation.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
What Happened to the Classic Cartoons?
Monday, August 25, 2008
How Sweet the Sound
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
A Glimpse into the Future?
I certainly hope it isn't! Lola loves to dance. She took a tap/ballet class a couple of months back when we were still living in L.A. and managed to get in trouble a couple of times for dancing to the beat of her own drum and doing her own form of interpretive dancing. There were days when she would wear her tap shoes all day long.
She was in the mood forSdancing today. She had dad pull out her tap shoes and we discovered that although they fit a couple months back, they are now a little snug. That did not stop her! She just discovered dancing on top of the laundry basket, and the sound is even better with tap shoes on! I just hope she doesn't think she can make a career out of dancing! But she sure is cute!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Dirty Mexicans!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I'm Addicted!
Actually, the one other show I watch doesn't have the same common thread as these--I've got two words: Hai! Majide! It's that show "I Survived a Japanese Game Show." I had zero interest in this show when they first announced it. It sounded ridiculous and lame. I told myself I would never be caught watching that show. Well it IS ridiculous and lame, but also highly entertaining. I've decided that if I wasn't born Mexican I would have chosen Japanese. They sure do know how to entertain an audience. Although, if you've ever watched a game show on Spanish TV those can sure give the Japanese ones a run for their money.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Crash,Boom, No Splat (thank goodness)!
I got a call from Curran a little before 6 pm. He was involved in a 5 or 6 car pile up on the 710 freeway on his way to school. He had just left my parent's house (where ironically he had just complained to my sister about how unhappy he was with his car and how much he wanted to buy a new one) when he was rear-ended by some kind of big delivery truck (like a Uhaul) and that sent him smashing into the Jeep in front of him. He stayed in his car, afraid to move, until he was transported by ambulance to the hospital where he laid strapped to a board for a few hours.
The kids and I drove up the next day to figure things out. I was amazed at how well Curran was doing. I was even more amazed when we went to the tow yard and saw the car. Curran calls it a "minor accident." We're very lucky that he is as well as he is--all things considered. He had minor cuts from the back windshield shattering, a bruise on his leg and some whiplash. He also finally got to buy that new car he's been wanting!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
How Noah Feels About Mom's Cooking
It's official--my kids hate my cooking! Why do I even bother? They'll just have to live off of cereal and Hot Pockets.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
I knew this was a bad idea
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Middle of the night
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
It's not all "Bastards" and "Big Dummies"
I may not be the best example--but moments like this make me feel a little better about the job I'm doing raising my kids.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
48 Hours in review
I ate an awesome salad and quesadilla at Chevys :)
I dyed my hair! (No more awful roots!) :)
Lola told me my cooking stinks :(
I had a nightmare that I was captured by terrorists :(
Lola told me she had big boobies then proceeded to lift her shirt and pat her ribs :(
My mom told me I looked fatter and then asked me if I was pregnant :(
I was called "stupid" by a 2 year old :(