Thursday, July 10, 2014

Day 3

Today we're on the upswing! No headaches, no shakes, no random, violent outbursts. Only once today did I feel like quitting--How can a bag of Cheetos have that kind of power over you?!

I've been overwhelmed by the show of love and support. Thank you for all of your kind words! I am well aware that I need every last bit of encouragement you guys have given me. If there is anything I have learned from attempting every diet and exercise program under the sun it is that I am weak--physically and mentally. I know I lack some serious self-control, and I have major issues with self-doubt. Which is why I started this program with a Priesthood blessing from my sweet and always supportive husband. I say this with complete honesty, and perhaps if you've been in my shoes (or should I say "muumuu") you will agree: Without divine intervention, without help from a merciful, loving God I don't know if I could do this. Is it weird to involve God in my weight-loss journey? Given the state of the world some would say he has a million more pressing matters to worry about. Thankfully, I've learned that I am a child of a loving Heavenly Father and therefore among His highest priorities.

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