Saturday, November 22, 2008

Go Cougars...or Not.

I originally recorded Lola singing the BYU fight song before the "big game" started today. After tinkering with stuff and adjusting my angle I completely missed posting it before Max Hall choked on the field today.

But since I am a loyal Cougar, and not some fair weathered fan I will post this anyway. After all, there's always next year. My only consolation is that BYU might get to play in the Poinsettia Bowl which takes place here in San Diego!
I think Lola is an excellent Cougar in training. My husband calls it "brainwashing." I call it "leading her in the right direction."

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


So you know that movie "Deliverance"? You know, the one with the inbreds that take these canoers hostage and do all sorts of horrible things to them? It has Jon Voight, and Burt Reynolds in it? Well, anyway, I had this horrible dream last night that I was IN that movie and they had taken ME hostage. They were after me, and no matter how hard I tried to get away in my Suburban (which I don't own in real life) those inbreds kept popping up all over the place. They even flattened my car tires by piercing them with a pitch fork!!

I remember someone once talking about "Dueling Banjos" and how anytime they heard that song it reminded them of "Deliverance." Well, now I keep hearing that song in my head over and over and it's kinda creeping me out. Here's the scene from the movie with that song in it. It's kinda entertaining, but it will stick in your heard and you may have dreams of inbreds taking YOU hostage...consider yourself warned!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Pretty Cool

I saw this on Facebook, and it made me laugh. Reminded me of an Office episode--where Andy Bernard records himself doing 4-part know which one I'm talking about?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

What the....?!

I walked into the kids room a couple of days ago, and this is what I found:

I don't know why it shocked me so. It usually looks like this a couple of times a day. I think I was just taken aback by the colors--it's kinda pretty in a way--until I realized I'm gonna be the one cleaning up all that mess. This is usually the way the conversation goes:

Me: Lola, what happened in here?
Lola: I made a mess. Just a little one.
Me: Oh...and who's going to clean it up?
Lola: umm...everyone. Teamwork, mom! We clean it togedder!
Me: I don't think so! I didn't make the mess. You did. You clean it!
Lola: But mom! We're girls! You're my best friend!

That's when she gets me and I give in to the whole teamwork thing--which translates into me cleaning up and her pretending to clean up while still playing with her toys. But!! I have also discovered that Lola is not the only culprit. Noah has become an expert at knocking all the books off the bookshelves. Caught him red-handed!