Thursday, May 27, 2010

Random Thoughts

Things that have run through my mind lately:

I hate packing
I hate cleaning
I hate unpacking
Caring for a lawn is like caring another child
How can a two-year-old's feet smell so bad?
Wascally wabbits!!
A place for everything and everything in its place
Sometimes one-hour church is 45 minutes too long
I'm glad Curran is around to help me. I couldn't do this without him.
How long is too long for my kids to go without a bath?
I wonder how Lost ended?! (Don't you DARE tell me! It's on my Hulu list of things to watch)
Thank you CBS reporter for ruining the Celebrity Apprentice finale for me!!
I'm only letting Noah's ducktail grow out to go with the white trash lawn we currently have...
I have to take a toll road to get to the closest Sams Club?! I'm going back to Costco.


Gma Banta said...

They have toll roads in Colorado?
I thought that was against the western area's "unwritten laws" - California being the idiot exception!
BTW - I'd love to see a before photo of your yard - then you could post an "in progress" and after photo!
I know you have a lot to do, just thought I'd add a bit of,,,fun?
Keep the faith Carol - this too shall pass and someday you'll look back on this time of your life and say: Lord am I glad that's over!

Sparklebot said...

Costco is way better than Sam's Club! Plus, it's not affiliated with the evil Wal-mart.

Children only smell worse and worse as they age. So, look forward to that.


TracieCarter said...

Impressive . . . most impressive. Such deep thoughts for a lady whose world is upside down! Ain't moving with kids grand?! When you visit that land o' bulk items in whatever commercial form, blow kisses for me - I miss them dearly, especially on free sample days! LOVE YOU!!!

Jennifer Moneymaker Owens said...

I totally agree with you that lawn care is another child. Just wait til you get your water bill. Time for me to go back to working more hours to pay for green grass.