Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Reasons I have LOLed this week:

1. Mark McGuire (finally) admits he used steroids--as if the whole world hadn't figured that one out.

2. The State of the Union address may be rescheduled so as not to interfere with the final season of Lost season premiere--smart move Mr. President. Smart move.

3. Lola telling me that IF we have another baby and said baby is a boy she plans on selling him cause girls are better.

4. Watching the crazies on The Bachelor (will this ever get old? Hmmm...I think NOT!)

5. Having the blender explode protein shake all over my kitchen thus ruining my ONE feeble attempt to live a healthier life in 2010. (The laughter only came after a few choice words that would make a sailor blush)

6. The mental pictures Lola's comments from the previous post have caused to appear in my childish mind.

7. Trying to fit into a cub scout shirt that was like 3 sizes too small after being told the shirts run "super extra grande."


Sparklebot said...

Seems like you're having a GREAT time in Colorado!

Lisa said...

These made me lol too!

The way of The Rose said...

hahahahaha hahahahahaha highlarious...