Monday, July 13, 2009

The Invasion Begins!

I am no longer a does that make me feel? It's bittersweet, really. Our little family moved to Colorado 13 days ago, and I still have to stop and look around and remind myself that this is not California. The significantly less traffic and constant tornado warnings are kind of a giveaway, but it's hard to believe that we have a new place to call home. If things go the way we hope we will be here a long, long time. Maybe by then I'll start to feel like this is really home. Right now I am having a little bit of culture shock. I can count the number of people I have heard speaking Espanol on ONE hand--una mano! We have moved into an area that is rather nice--Highlands Ranch, and I seem to be the most ghetto one here. I constantly feel like people are looking at me funny and that little, old ladies grab hold of their expensive handbags just a little tighter when they see me approaching. It could all just be in my head, but something tells me it's not--and that something is my husband. I voiced my concerns to Curran a few days ago and he said: "No, it's not just you. I noticed it too." So, alls I gotta say to all these Coloradonites or Coloradians is--watch out! The Mexicans are coming!!


Josh and Christina said...

LOL!! I love it!! As a former Colorado resident and now a new Texan (but a Californian at heart), I so understand. Except that for me, moving away from Colorado, I noticed that people became more friendly and lots more nice! Texas has welcomed us with open arms; that was a bit of a change for us.

jojomynx said...

I'm sad things haven't been more welcoming, but I'm kinda surprised at the tornado warnings there, who knew? Isn't it weird?!?? WE have them here all the time too and it still blows my mind, 4 years later.

The Mayne Attraction said...

As a Coloradoan, Donald said, "Yeah, that sounds about right." Here's hoping the people in your ward aren't as afraid of Mexicans as Jillian and the residents of Highland Ranch. Hope you're settling in well! Love you!

secwalker said...

Wow, it's hard to keep up with all your moves :) Moves to other states, I mean, although I'm sure you can get jiggy with it as well.

Sparklebot said...

Move to DC. We gots lots of Mexicans!