Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My Life (since my last post) in 10 Points

1. I just registered for a 5k. I will be running it (at an amazingly slow pace) this Saturday with friends. Luckily, a couple of my friends are CPR certified.

2. My kids are currently obsessed with Angry Birds--but not the game...the Youtube videos. Great fun. While exploring these videos they linked onto this one which my kids now incessantly sing over and over again:

3. Noah decided to moon his Nursery teacher this past Sunday during the lesson. I had just walked in to take him to the potty, but was waiting for the lesson to end. Noah proceeded to pull down his pants, and say out loud: "Hey! Look at this!"

4. I told Lola that I was thinking of making an appointment to get my eyes checked and that I might need a stronger prescription. She responds with: "Okay...Just don't come back looking like a nerd."

5. I really, REALLY dislike people who don't shovel their sidewalks. I felt like a stinkin' pioneer walking to the bus stop yesterday afternoon to get Lola. Nevermind that I was wearing a sweatshirt and loafers cause I don't own a winter coat or snow boots.

6. They updated Curran's Dish Network package which means we now get the Game Show Network. I believe my butt is one step closer to fusing itself to my couch. I mean seriously, I can't be expected to do anything productive when there are Match Game and $25,000 Pyramid episodes to watch!

7. While watching an episode of "Lingo" with Lola on the aforementioned GSN Lola mentioned to me that one of the contestants, Lisa, was a way better mom than me because she "enjoys playing with her children." I spent the rest of the day threatening to ship Lola of to Lisa when things weren't going smoothly. She, in turn, spent the rest of the day showering me with praises as to what a wonderful mother I indeed was.

8. I shoveled my whole sidewalk and my extremely long driveway. Conclusion: Snow blowers are SO not overrated.

9. Got a message (and pic) of one of my YW from back in CA and who is now in her 20's. Turns out she met David Archuleta and got to hang out with him for a couple of hours. I'm more than a little jealous. If loving David Archuleta is wrong, then gosh-darn it, I don't want to be right.

10. Tacos make me gassy. This may be considered TMI, but I'm not ashamed.


Aranne and Dan said...

I seriously LOVE reading your posts. They make me laugh out loud! Thanks for being so honest and telling it like it is. Congrats on the 5K though...that really is a big deal and I am sure you will do great.

Ashley said...

I can totally relate to (almost) all of this! Game show network would spell big trouble at my house. I laughed out loud at number 7- that sounds like something Adalyn would say. And you can't have David Archuleta, because he is mine. Taylor Lautner too, if we're calling.

Gma Banta said...

Carol, you are the best! Love your blog - so interesting and funny! Hope you enjoy the 5K - at least the part about eating lots of carbs before the race! All athletes do that before the race, game, whatever because it helps with endurance. LOL

Lisa said...

You made my day with this post. Thanks! I sure miss you!

The way of The Rose said...

you are a riot!!!

The way of The Rose said...

You are a freakin hilarious :)

Sally said...

Dear Carol,

I have loved reading your blog, and have missed hearing about your doings.

SAlly English