Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ketchup is the Best!

Lola and Noah had a combined birthday party a few weeks ago, and we had a jumper on the front lawn. Well, the kids got a little crazy and my cousin's little girl (Abby) was knocked in the face. She lost a tooth, and by "lost" I mean it fell off and have no idea where it ended up. We think she swallowed it.

So a couple of days ago I was talking to Lola about the Tooth Fairy--how you leave your tooth and you get money..yaddah, yaddah, yaddah. And I asked her how much money she thought she would get for her first tooth, whenever it falls out. She told me she wanted "Four monies." Four bucks isn't bad. I got $2 for my first tooth and that was a VERY long time ago. I also asked her what she was going to buy with her four monies and this is what she listed (I'm assuming in order of importance):

1. Ketchup!

2. A toy

3. A jar

4. A pillow

That girl must really like ketchup...

1 comment:

Lisa said...

And with four monies, you can probably get all that at the dollar store. Or maybe the tooth fairy leaves ketchup with the money on a regular basis.