Sunday, November 2, 2008

What the....?!

I walked into the kids room a couple of days ago, and this is what I found:

I don't know why it shocked me so. It usually looks like this a couple of times a day. I think I was just taken aback by the colors--it's kinda pretty in a way--until I realized I'm gonna be the one cleaning up all that mess. This is usually the way the conversation goes:

Me: Lola, what happened in here?
Lola: I made a mess. Just a little one.
Me: Oh...and who's going to clean it up?
Lola: umm...everyone. Teamwork, mom! We clean it togedder!
Me: I don't think so! I didn't make the mess. You did. You clean it!
Lola: But mom! We're girls! You're my best friend!

That's when she gets me and I give in to the whole teamwork thing--which translates into me cleaning up and her pretending to clean up while still playing with her toys. But!! I have also discovered that Lola is not the only culprit. Noah has become an expert at knocking all the books off the bookshelves. Caught him red-handed!


The Proctors said...

Haha! At least she hasn't learned yet to blame it all on her brother!

Aranne and Dan said...

That teamwork thing is very cute. It would probably work on me every time too! Dang it...

coolwolf20338 said...

I find it interesting that Carol only mentions her cleaning the room. I do believe there are other individuals that clean the mess on a regular basis. Hmmm!!! Very interesting.

Jessica said...

I just love these days. This sounds exactly like an experience I had this morning with Spencer and his trains that were everywhere. Hopefully they eventually learn, right?

TracieCarter said...

I have now sorted/thrown out all the random dumb toys three times now --only to find my trash bucket of toys dumped out and spread all over with all the other bins of toys. Culprit: McKay! Grrrr! He doesn't really play with most of the toys, just likes to see his options I believe. It's soooo frustrating!!! Easton earns computer points/time if he cleans it up but then he always whines that no one's helping him. Good thing it's all in the basement which I choose to disown most days and pretend it doesn't exist and therefore don't need to clean. I have limited reserves for such stuff right now :) I do hope you're feeling much better! Good luck with that rash. . .er, I mean pnemonia! LOVE YOU more than raiding the Halloween candy for any and all chocolate!!!

jojomynx said...

Now you can understand why we keep the kids out of their room, and limit the number of toys they can have in the living room at a time. I guess you could call us the toy-nazis.